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Great quality show rabbits

Our Story

It all started when Torrie got her first rabbit in 2013. Her first rabbit was a holland lop who she still has today. When her father met a really nice girl named Dominica, Torrie got her hooked on rabbits too. We are a fairly new rabbitry but have already got great quality rabbits.

What We Do

You can contact us at:

Torrie: (902)-315-3247

Dominica: (902)-628-7445

Contact us

We breed and show rabbits at many different shows. Torrie actually shows the rabbit's in 4-h, winning many ribbons and trophy's in confirmation. 

~Quality and not Quantity~

 To us it's all about the quality of our rabbits, we would rather have very little rabbits with amazing bone and structure than many rabbits with very little that have good bone and structure. 

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